The Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a multilateral agreement that recommends international standards for the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
According to the participants the aim is to reduce more efficiently the alleged rise of product piracy. The negotiations are underway since June 2008 and are currently in their 7th round.
Every single negotiation round was held secretly without access for the public or even members of the European Parliament (EP), but industrial lobbyists, like members of the IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) had access to the agreement drafts. Such methods are not compatible with democratic standards and are
leading towards corruption in the global society.
The proposals and wishes of the public are neither respected, nor (seriously!) demanded. Even lobbyists of organizations like the European Association of ISPs (EuroISPA) and service providers from all over the world are, like all the rest of us, excluded from the negotiations. They have no vote on this matter.
ACTA is an agreement which was negotiated behind the back of the public and should be decided regardless of a sustainable development of the society, civil rights and required democratic processes. Apparently this agreement has the target to introduce extreme changes of principles on a global level, without participation of the international community or even the concerned citizen of the participating nations.
Leaked details about the agreement can be found among other things on websites like Wikileaks, the European Digital Rights Initiative (EDRi) as well as the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure (FFII). The american Knowledge Ecology International was also working on an analysis of ACTA. Apart from these NGOs are there also multiple media representatives which are expressing their rising concern about the methods employed for negotiations and the presumed content of the agreement.
ACTA concerns everybody worldwide, not only pirate parties, but all organizations and individuals who believe in democracy.
The ratification process for ACTA has already begun at the national level in various member states although the true significance of the agreement is underestimated in many of these countries.
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement odnosno ACTA je međunarodni sporazum kojeg će Europska unija ratificirati u skoroj budućnosti. Među države koje su već ratificirale ACTA-u spadaju SAD, Australija, Kanada, Japan, Koreja, Maroko, Novi Zeland i Singapur.
Uskoro će se ovoj listi pridružiti sve članice EU, u koju za godinu i pol dana ulazi i Hrvatska, te Meksiko i Švicarska. Radi se o sporazumu koji nema zakonsku težinu, ali ratifikacijom ACTA-e svaka država EU na sebe prihvaća obvezu stvaranja zakonskog okvira koji će omogućiti odredbe ovog sporazuma.
ACTA (Anti-Counterfiting Trade Agreement) je tajni sporazum financiran od strane korporacija o kojem pregovaraju mnoge države svijeta. Pomoću tzv “policy launderinga”, odnosno skrivanja pravog izvora političkih odluka ili zakona, ovaj sporazum povrjeđuje osnova ljudska prava na privatnost. Sporazum, pod krinkom zaštite nacionalne sigurnosti, dopušta špijuniranje internet prometa te pregledavanje sadržaja uređaja koji sadrže digitalne podatke (laptopi, mp3 playeri) na carinama bez naloga i opravdane sumnje! Uz to, ovaj sporazum kao kaznu za piratstvo uvodi trajno isključenje s interneta, bez obzira na dokaze. Nakon tri optužbe – internet se okrivljeniku isključuje na neodređeno vrijeme – bez suca, porote ili suđenja.
Prema njenim odredbama, pružatelji internetske usluge morat će nadgledati sve aktivnosti svojih korisnika, ne bi li pronašli moguća kršenja autorskih prava. Vlasnici zaštitnih znakova te snage reda i zakona dobili bi ogromne ovlasti tijekom istraživanja potencijalnih sumnjivaca, uključujući i narušavanje privatnosti.
ACTA je stvorena kao instrument zaštite intelektualnih i autorskih prava, odnosno kao sredstvo za borbu protiv “lažnjaka” i u prehrambenoj, farmaceutskoj, tekstilnoj i sličnim industrijama. Njoj je cilj, u ime patenta, kontrolu putanje generičkih lijekova i kontrolu nad određenim sjemenom za proizvodnju hrane dati u ruke korporacija koje bi preuzele potpunu kontrolu nad proizvodnjom hrane i jeftinih lijekova. ACTA je alatka vodećih svjetskih organizacija i pod nevješto prikrivenim stvarnim namjerama sprovodi ono što je u interesu bogatih psihopata koji vladaju svijetom.
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